Tuesday, May 19, 2020

When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?

cracks in the nuance of human emotion that hint mutual attraction...

Prolonged Eye Contact..One of the commonest identifiers of mutual attraction is prolonged eye contact.

When someone is curious about you or thinks about you all the time, they often gaze at you with this piercing and intense look. Sometimes, it even borders into creepiness.

If someone is a little too friendly with you, it means that they want you to be more than just friends with you.

When There is Energy Between Lovers Sure, they might do others a favour or two or have a sober conversation with them.

but when they are with you, they always do a little extra and treat you like you’re special and unique.

Willingness to spend a lot of Time Some people love our company. They always call us whenever they need some help or want to hang out casually.

But when someone, other than a friend or a family member, especially a potential partner wants to revel in our company all the time, it means something entirely different.

When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?
When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?

They would rather sit in silence with you than watch a movie or go out with friends and have a grand time because they consider you more important than “just any other friend”.

It’s in the eyes
According to Dr. Jeremy Nicholson, a psychologist, you will learn a lot from the way a woman looks at you. For instance, if the woman holds your gaze a little longer than usual, the chances are that she considers you more than a friend or a colleague.

Do you often go to look at her and you catch her watching you, only to see her quickly turn away in embarrassment? Well, that is a positive sign that the woman is attracted to you. If a girl is into you, she will be checking you out … a lot. Indeed, some studies have indicated that prolonged eye contact can trigger feelings of love between two people.

Have you ever noticed it? We rarely make strong eye contact with people we do not like. In fact, we deliberately avoid eye contact with people with whom we do not want to get drawn in a conversation. Also, experts indicate that even infants maintain eye contact with people they are interested in.

The position of her body means more than her words

A girl who is interested in you will have an open and forward body language. Often, you will notice that her feet point towards you, her legs will be uncrossed and comfortable, and she will have her arms open and the palms up. She will also be smiling and probably fondling with her hair and jewelry.

She will find any excuse to touch you

People do not touch people they do not like. If a girl is interested in you, she will not resist to reach out and touch your arms, hands or shoulders. She will straighten your jacket or reach out to touch your knee as she makes a point during a conversation. The more she touches you, the more it is safer to assume that she is interested in you.

She loves being close to you

Another good sign that a woman is interested in you is the proximity. A woman who likes you will position herself in such a way that she is always in your immediate orbit. It is no coincidence that she has happened to be in your vicinity on several occasions. She will post up near you as you stand around.

You will realize that you are always seeing her out of the corner of your eye, and in the book store, you always seem to end up in the same row. These signs indicate that the girl wants you and she is doing all she can to get to know you better.

She mirrors your body language

Relationship experts say that when we like someone, we subconsciously adjust our body language to mirror theirs. For instance, if you are out on a date and you happen to lean forward into the table, there is a high probability that she will naturally do the same. This behavior is known as ‘interactional symmetry,’ and it starts in infancy.

A study whose results were recorded in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior indicated that people mimic the behavior of those they are attracted to. Pay attention to her body language. Does it mirror your own? What about the words she uses. Is she building on your jokes? She is not consciously copying you; she is just doing what people do when they are around someone they are attracted to.

She laughs at your jokes

A study by German Psychologists indicated that a woman’s’ laughter could accurately predict how she feels about the man she is with. Indeed, research further suggests that women want to be with a man who can make them laugh, while a man wants a partner who can laugh at his jokes.

Further, marriage experts indicate that humor plays a huge role in diffusing tension and conflict in the relationship. The degree to which the woman laughs while talking to you is indicative of the degree of success you would have dated her.

She asks you personal questions

A friend recently posted on Facebook the way he was having a casual chat with a girl, usual stuff, and then out of the blues, she asks:

Sharing of herself

A woman who wants you will convey her attraction for you by sharing stories about herself, usually information she wouldn’t share with just anyone. According to Social Psychology Quarterly, people do not mind sharing even embarrassing details about their lives with people that they have an interest in getting to know further.

On the contrary, sharing personal information with someone whom you have no interest in is too great a risk. Pay close attention to the kind of information she shares about yourself with you.

She compliments you a lot

A woman may not want to show obvious signs of attraction since she doesn’t want to look unladylike. She could also be shy and afraid of being rejected. As a result, she will end up giving you a lot of compliments, communicating indirectly that she likes you. This is meant to provide you with the confidence to make your move.

The Way That They Look At You

A sign that someone is falling in love with you is through their eye contact. This has also been something that has been studied by psychologists. This is a nonverbal sign that can mean a lot, and reveal deeper feelings from your partner.

When you catch your partner glancing over at you, or looking at you while you are talking, this can mean that they love spending time with you and are happy to be with you. Even when you are busy chatting with someone, you may still catch your partner looking at you and this can be a big sign that they are in love with you and are very happy to be around you.

They Want To Take Care Of You

If your partner rushes to take care of you, whether you are ill or have heard some bad news, this is a great sign that they love you.

If they ask you questions to see how you feel and if you need anything, this can be a way of saying that they love you, they want you to be OK and will make sure of it.

Someone who loves another person will often want to care for them, make sure they are happy and be there when they need to be, so look for this sign in your partner, as it is a great indicator that they could be in love with you.

They Respect Your Personal Space

If you need personal space, they will be sure to give you some. Your partner should listen to you and understand that you need some space, which should be respected. If your partner leaves you while you have some time to yourself, including not bombarding you with messages or just showing up uninvited, then this can really mean that they love you.

When someone knows that you need some time apart, even if it’s a couple of hours or a couple of days, they will understand and respect your decision, which can be a sign that someone is in love with you.

They Ask For Your Advice

If someone is in love, they will often hold their partner’s views very highly and always want their opinion on important decisions. Your partner will ask for advice on certain things and they know that you will most likely give them great advice that will help them, and that shows a great deal of trust.

No matter the situation; maybe something to do with their job, or if they need help with a problem they have, they will want your advice as they will most likely think highly of you and your opinions.

They Will Drop Everything For You

When someone puts their own needs and wants aside for yours, this can be a great sign that someone is in love with you. If you really care about someone, you will most likely be there when they need you, even if this involves dropping everything you are doing at the time.

If someone does this for you, it shows that they want to support and comfort you when you need it, which is a sign that they really care for you and your needs.

They Make You Feel Good About Who You Are

It is always nice to have someone that makes you feel good about yourself, even on your worst days. When your significant other can not only make you happy generally but also make you feel good about yourself and who you are, it shows affection and love towards you.

Your partner may not even know that they are doing it, but the way that they behave and act around you can have a great impact on your relationship, for all the right reasons. When someone wants you to be happy with who you are and finds a way to do so, they may be in love with you.

They Introduce You To Their Family

This is a big step in any relationship. Your family can be some of the closest people to you, who want to look out for you and care for you. When you are introduced to someone’s family, it can be a great sign of commitment and love as they want those closest to them to also meet and get to know you.

When someone is showing this sign of commitment, they are normally in the relationship for the long run and are looking forward to the future. This is a great indicator that they could be in love with you.

They Ask About Your Day

Usually, in relationships, you ask your partner how their day has been and want to know what they have been up to. This shows that you care about your partner and what has either upset them or made them happy during their day.


If your partner is showing interest in your day and what is happening when they are not with you, this is a sign of a loving relationship. It could be high or low points of your day, but whatever it is, they want to know and are eager to listen; this could be a sign that someone is in love with you.

They Actively Express Their Emotions

It can be hard for some people to express how they really feel and can be especially hard to try and do that in relationships too. If your partner is trying their hardest to express their emotions, even if it takes a while, it could be love.

When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?
When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?

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