Saturday, May 30, 2020

Ways to Be Irresistible to Men…In 4 Simple Steps

Be a Mystery.

The only way to turn attraction into passion is to insert your way into a man’s thoughts.

This doesn’t mean wearing something revealing so he’s picturing you naked while talking to you.

Ways to Be Irresistible to Men…In 4 Simple Steps
Ways to Be Irresistible to Men…In 4 Simple Steps

It means making a strong impression, one that leaves him unable to stop thinking about you for days.

The best way to do this is to be a little mysterious.

He doesn’t need your whole life story right off the bat. Part of the excitement of starting a new relationship is the discovery process, it’s that desire to know more and more about the other person.

The human mind loves to fill in missing gaps and the unknown always has a certain level of intrigue.

Studies have shown that we are most attracted to people when we don’t know exactly how they feel about us. If he knows exactly where you stand he may get bored and move on.

If he knows he doesn’t have a chance, he won’t want to bother. If he thinks he might have a chance, you’ll have his full attention.

Be Confident.

This one is the winner every time. Guys want a confident, happy woman.

A woman who loves herself knows her worth, and knows she can get what she wants in this world.

Healthy self-esteem is a prerequisite for healthy relationships.

It gives you the confidence to choose who to be with and to believe someone worthwhile will want to be with you.

Men are naturally drawn to women who enjoy their company. Your laughter is normally one of the ways he’s able to tell that you’re having a good time with him.

When he sees that he’s able to make you happy, his confidence increases. When it does, his interest in you and his desire to please you even more grows. So go ahead and laugh at his jokes as the sound of your laughter is music to his ears.

Today’s society wants women to be bold, independent, and tough. While being this kind of woman isn’t wrong, sometimes too much of this can make the man of your dreams see you as more of a man than a woman.

To avoid this from happening, tap into your feminine side when necessary. Be strong but embrace your gentle, graceful, caring, and nurturing side as well.

Make your man feel that you need him and that you want to take care of him at the same time. When he feels that he’s needed and he’s being taken care of while providing for your needs, he won’t want to let you go.

Being Comfortable With Yourself.
Yes, you may not be the sexiest, most beautiful, and smartest woman in the world. You may not even be the type of woman he likes at first.

But if you show him how confident you are in your own skin, how at ease you are with your own strengths and opportunities as a woman, it’s likely that he’ll start to find you irresistible.

Good Grooming.
Let’s face it. No matter how sexy and pretty you look on the outside, and no matter how awesome your personality is, if you forego good grooming, you won’t be irresistible in his eyes at all.

Yes, he may glance and take a second look at you but once he observes that your hygiene isn’t excellent, he’ll be turned off.

So take care of yourself. Look and smell good. Make an effort to look appealing by getting your hair, nails, and makeup done properly. Look well-dressed even when you’re stressed.

No man can determine whether you’re a kind-hearted person at your first encounter. So how do you make him feel that your heart is large and that you’re a woman of integrity?

It’s as simple as being respectful. By showing him that you don’t think you’re above anyone else and giving him and everyone else the respect that they deserve, you’ll make him want you more than anyone else.

If you have low self-esteem, make it a priority to work on this.

Learn to find more joy and meaning in your life. Until you get there, act like someone with high self-esteem.

This means not being jealous of other people, not needing guys to validate you, not putting yourself down and complaining about your life.

Not neglecting your femininity.

Most men want to feel like a man.

The best way to encourage this is to embrace your femininity. Tap into your soft, gentle, graceful side, we all have it in us somewhere.

I know today’s society encourages women to be bold, tough, and aggressive.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be a strong woman, I’m just saying to temper this out a bit by not neglecting your femininity.

Be playful.

Men simply adore playful women.

I am not saying that you should be all over the place when you don’t feel like it but simply not stuck in a routine will be enough for a successful relationship.

If you feel good with the guy you like, show him your wicked side.

Learn how to play hard to get just to keep him interested in you. Use different tricks to make him fall for you.

Tease him and never let him have all of you, at least if you are not ready for that.

But whatever you do, don’t let the old spark die in your relationship.

Always work hard for what is quality, especially if we are talking about the most important guy in your life.

Be present. Try to stay out of your head and be in the moment. When you do this, you’re more able to act and respond spontaneously. This is attractive because men are drawn to interesting women.

Women, who live in their heads, come across aloof, cold, and boring.
Play. Imagine you’re 6 years old again and you’re in the playground with boys running around.

At this age, there are no anxieties around the opposite sex. You want to bring this back because guys want to feel RELAXED when he’s around you. Do this and men will find you super attractive.

Focus on creating a fun moment. Not on getting into a relationship. When you focus on getting a relationship, you’ll feel frustrated when you don’t get what you want.

Focus on having a good time and it’s a win-win situation. You get what you want and HE will start to want the relationship.

Love yourself first. Appreciate your body. I appreciate your mind. Appreciate the person you’ve become. Enjoy your own company. Remember all the things you love about yourself. When you do this, men will want to treat you the same way.

Use confident body language. Don’t forget the basics. Even if you’re not “feeling it”. Eye contact. Shoulders back. Chest forward. Chin up. Smile. Take up more space. Gesture more.

Speak clearly and loudly. Move with confidence and sooner or later you’ll feel confident too.

Present yourself well. Dress classy instead of frumpy or slutty. Men prefer clothing that hints at your figure instead of the show everything upfront or covers up too much.

Also, make sure you are the exemplar of health by keeping your hair and skin clean and healthy.

Be social. Men evaluate women based on social value just as much as women do on men.

When you’re in a social situation, mingle and talk to everyone. The more you’re seen as being liked by others, the more attractive you’ll naturally be to men.

Treat others with respect and kindness. Whether it is the waiter, your sister, or your work college. Treat the people around you with respect and kindness.

When you do an altruistic act, you’re demonstrating your ability to love unselfishly in a relationship.

Unfortunately, not many women have this quality these days. Men will flock to you in droves.

Give him a challenge. Men are natural-born hunters. In courtship, he absolutely needs you to challenge him in order to feel the maximum amount of attraction for you.

If there isn’t one naturally, create one just so he feels there is an obstacle to overcome in order to have you.

Don’t give away too much. Re-frame from sharing way too much detail than you need to. Instead, keep the mystery about you. Say less.
Observe more. Allow him to fill in the blanks himself and he’ll be much more attracted to you.

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