Saturday, May 30, 2020

How To Make Him Miss You More Than Ever Before

Tips Will Make Your Boyfriend Miss You More..

Don’t always be available for him. Make Him Miss You More

Obviously, when you’re in love with someone, you want to spend much time with that person. But to create a feeling to miss you.

you need to sometimes not be with him. You don’t always have to give up all your time for him. Your boyfriend is not going to miss you if you’re always available.

Find things that you can put into yourself. Create your own space and time away from him.

How To Make Him Miss You More Than Ever Before
How To Make Him Miss You More Than Ever Before

Stop All Sources of Communication with Him.

To commence on the path of how to make him miss you. First of all, you have to stop calling and texting him. This will deliver him the clear message that you are angry, and there is no turning back from your side.

If it is because of some business, you have to talk to him. Then be practical, don’t start a conversation with him other than the business. And make sure not to smile and laugh at his jokes.

Keep that in mind; no one will ever going to miss you until you don’t stop communicating them? So give him a reason to miss you.

Stop Using Social Media.

How to make him miss you? As today everyone is aware of the role of social media in our life. So to make social media the partner in your crime. Like there was a time when he posted a picture, and you used to be the first to like and comment.

Now, stop doing such things for the time being. When he’ll post his picture and find no clue of you. It will make him miss you and reminds him of those happy and silly moments you guys had.

Moreover, get yourself disconnected from social media because he won’t miss until you are always showing on his new feeds.

Leave Things Behind that Hold Memory of You. Make Him Miss You More

As when the two of you are together, there is some precious moment when you two exchange things that hold some memories. Make sure he has such things from you. Whenever he sees them, that will be like a nightmare to him.

So he will be back in those times and start missing you. Your things can play an essential part here. So if you ever have a fight with your boyfriend and you are in such a situation that you can’t stop loving him. Then don’t ever take your gifts back if you want him to be back in your life.

Show Him that You are a Happy Person.
Show him that you can be a happy person without him. Moreover, you have a life besides him. Nothing can make him more insecure than seeing you happy and smiling with your friends.

This way, he will know that you can have fun without him. Also, you can enhance your look and visit a parlor. Where you can even get a new haircut.

The next time he sees you, he will notice that and it can make him jealous, and questions like how she can be so happy without me will raise in his mind. And he starts realizing how unimportant he is for you. This way, he will try everything to bring you back in your life.

Don’t Let Him Know That You Miss Him. Make Him Miss You More

Never give him a clue that you miss him. Don’t share such things with your common/mutual friends. Know your worth and don’t let him know that you are into him.

Make him feel that you’ve started your new life and you don’t need him anymore. You are happy and well without him. It will make him think that he was wrong about you.

Just Be Yourself.

Never ever try to be someone else. Just remember that he knows who you are. He will catch you when you are trying to be someone else. So instead of pretending to be happy, try to be happy in real.

Also, remember not to share everything with your guy even if you are in a relationship. This can make him think that he has conquered you. So be the mysterious and independent women.

To make a guy miss you. You have to keep patience because it might take some time to get the expected outcomes.

While it is important to spend time together to win his heart, it is equally important to give some space so that he’ll realize how special you are and how much he really misses you.

Hang out with your friends. Make Him Miss You More

You don’t have to hang out with him all the time. You should also catch up with your friends often.

Plan a girls’ night out or a girl’s trip, then share to him some fun moments with your friends.

After spending a few days away from him, he may be happy you’re having a good time but he will also become jealous. If he sees how much fun you’re having, he’s going to want to come along on your next adventure.

This way, you can also balance out the equation and do something without him which will ultimately make him miss you.

Highlight the fun arts of your life using social media.

If you want him to miss you, you can use social media as your advantage. Update your social media feed so he can see all the fun you’re having.

Guys are definitely more visual creatures so give him something good to look it and he’ll be hooked, which brings you to the next step. But make sure you do not fabricate fake posts, just be you, be fun, and be authentic.

Wait for some time before returning his texts and calls. Make Him Miss You More

Another way to make your boyfriend miss you is by not instantly responding to his texts and calls.

Show him that you have other life going around. So, whenever he calls or texts you randomly, make him wait for some time before answering it.

This way, he will miss you more than you thought he could be.

Find a signature scent that will remind him of you.

Simply, wear your signature scent whenever you meet your boyfriend so that slowly he will start recognizing you with that smell.

As much as possible, use the top quality brand of perfume, shampoo, or lotion.

Just imagine yourself resting on his shoulder or chest, and leaving behind your beautiful scent on his body, this will leave him thinking about you every time he smells something even faintly similar.

Go on a weekend getaway without him. Make Him Miss You More

Anything that doesn’t include him will keep him at bay and leave him wanting for more. Take a weekend off and go by yourself or with friends. Just relax, treat yourself, and enjoy.

Once you come back, you can be sure he will be more than glad to see you.

Let him go with his friends.

Don’t worry about him enjoying the free time with his friends. Of course, giving him space to enjoy is going to make you look confident and less clingy.

He may seem to enjoy it, but eventually, your boyfriend will crave more time with you. So, the next time he tries to come up with excuses to hang out with his friends, let him go.

If he wants to go on a boys’ trip, allow him. The more time he is away from you, the more he will realize what he’s missing.

He might think his friends are important and deserves his time but he will soon learn that he can’t spend his lifetime with only them, he needs you.

Invest in yourself. Make Him Miss You More

Treat yourself to a new make up look, dress up for him, or get a new haircut. It will leave you attractive and unforgettable in your boyfriend’s eyes and mind even after you leave.

He’ll start thinking of you and wanting to be closer to you. This will work especially if you’re getting attention from other guys around you.

So, invest in yourself and make yourself feel good to make your guy miss you.

Bring back the mystery and suspense.

Try not to share everything you’re thinking or feeling. Rather than letting him get used to your routine, challenge him new activities and give him more of the fun and positive associations he is enjoying.

Remind him of your courting stage where everything was still a mystery between the two of you.

Be independent. Make Him Miss You More

Getting a little more independent and a less reliant on him will make him miss you more. When you stop reaching out to him for the silliest of things, he’ll start to wonder and that, I bet, will be in your favor.

Ways to Be Irresistible to Men…In 4 Simple Steps

Be a Mystery.

The only way to turn attraction into passion is to insert your way into a man’s thoughts.

This doesn’t mean wearing something revealing so he’s picturing you naked while talking to you.

Ways to Be Irresistible to Men…In 4 Simple Steps
Ways to Be Irresistible to Men…In 4 Simple Steps

It means making a strong impression, one that leaves him unable to stop thinking about you for days.

The best way to do this is to be a little mysterious.

He doesn’t need your whole life story right off the bat. Part of the excitement of starting a new relationship is the discovery process, it’s that desire to know more and more about the other person.

The human mind loves to fill in missing gaps and the unknown always has a certain level of intrigue.

Studies have shown that we are most attracted to people when we don’t know exactly how they feel about us. If he knows exactly where you stand he may get bored and move on.

If he knows he doesn’t have a chance, he won’t want to bother. If he thinks he might have a chance, you’ll have his full attention.

Be Confident.

This one is the winner every time. Guys want a confident, happy woman.

A woman who loves herself knows her worth, and knows she can get what she wants in this world.

Healthy self-esteem is a prerequisite for healthy relationships.

It gives you the confidence to choose who to be with and to believe someone worthwhile will want to be with you.

Men are naturally drawn to women who enjoy their company. Your laughter is normally one of the ways he’s able to tell that you’re having a good time with him.

When he sees that he’s able to make you happy, his confidence increases. When it does, his interest in you and his desire to please you even more grows. So go ahead and laugh at his jokes as the sound of your laughter is music to his ears.

Today’s society wants women to be bold, independent, and tough. While being this kind of woman isn’t wrong, sometimes too much of this can make the man of your dreams see you as more of a man than a woman.

To avoid this from happening, tap into your feminine side when necessary. Be strong but embrace your gentle, graceful, caring, and nurturing side as well.

Make your man feel that you need him and that you want to take care of him at the same time. When he feels that he’s needed and he’s being taken care of while providing for your needs, he won’t want to let you go.

Being Comfortable With Yourself.
Yes, you may not be the sexiest, most beautiful, and smartest woman in the world. You may not even be the type of woman he likes at first.

But if you show him how confident you are in your own skin, how at ease you are with your own strengths and opportunities as a woman, it’s likely that he’ll start to find you irresistible.

Good Grooming.
Let’s face it. No matter how sexy and pretty you look on the outside, and no matter how awesome your personality is, if you forego good grooming, you won’t be irresistible in his eyes at all.

Yes, he may glance and take a second look at you but once he observes that your hygiene isn’t excellent, he’ll be turned off.

So take care of yourself. Look and smell good. Make an effort to look appealing by getting your hair, nails, and makeup done properly. Look well-dressed even when you’re stressed.

No man can determine whether you’re a kind-hearted person at your first encounter. So how do you make him feel that your heart is large and that you’re a woman of integrity?

It’s as simple as being respectful. By showing him that you don’t think you’re above anyone else and giving him and everyone else the respect that they deserve, you’ll make him want you more than anyone else.

If you have low self-esteem, make it a priority to work on this.

Learn to find more joy and meaning in your life. Until you get there, act like someone with high self-esteem.

This means not being jealous of other people, not needing guys to validate you, not putting yourself down and complaining about your life.

Not neglecting your femininity.

Most men want to feel like a man.

The best way to encourage this is to embrace your femininity. Tap into your soft, gentle, graceful side, we all have it in us somewhere.

I know today’s society encourages women to be bold, tough, and aggressive.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be a strong woman, I’m just saying to temper this out a bit by not neglecting your femininity.

Be playful.

Men simply adore playful women.

I am not saying that you should be all over the place when you don’t feel like it but simply not stuck in a routine will be enough for a successful relationship.

If you feel good with the guy you like, show him your wicked side.

Learn how to play hard to get just to keep him interested in you. Use different tricks to make him fall for you.

Tease him and never let him have all of you, at least if you are not ready for that.

But whatever you do, don’t let the old spark die in your relationship.

Always work hard for what is quality, especially if we are talking about the most important guy in your life.

Be present. Try to stay out of your head and be in the moment. When you do this, you’re more able to act and respond spontaneously. This is attractive because men are drawn to interesting women.

Women, who live in their heads, come across aloof, cold, and boring.
Play. Imagine you’re 6 years old again and you’re in the playground with boys running around.

At this age, there are no anxieties around the opposite sex. You want to bring this back because guys want to feel RELAXED when he’s around you. Do this and men will find you super attractive.

Focus on creating a fun moment. Not on getting into a relationship. When you focus on getting a relationship, you’ll feel frustrated when you don’t get what you want.

Focus on having a good time and it’s a win-win situation. You get what you want and HE will start to want the relationship.

Love yourself first. Appreciate your body. I appreciate your mind. Appreciate the person you’ve become. Enjoy your own company. Remember all the things you love about yourself. When you do this, men will want to treat you the same way.

Use confident body language. Don’t forget the basics. Even if you’re not “feeling it”. Eye contact. Shoulders back. Chest forward. Chin up. Smile. Take up more space. Gesture more.

Speak clearly and loudly. Move with confidence and sooner or later you’ll feel confident too.

Present yourself well. Dress classy instead of frumpy or slutty. Men prefer clothing that hints at your figure instead of the show everything upfront or covers up too much.

Also, make sure you are the exemplar of health by keeping your hair and skin clean and healthy.

Be social. Men evaluate women based on social value just as much as women do on men.

When you’re in a social situation, mingle and talk to everyone. The more you’re seen as being liked by others, the more attractive you’ll naturally be to men.

Treat others with respect and kindness. Whether it is the waiter, your sister, or your work college. Treat the people around you with respect and kindness.

When you do an altruistic act, you’re demonstrating your ability to love unselfishly in a relationship.

Unfortunately, not many women have this quality these days. Men will flock to you in droves.

Give him a challenge. Men are natural-born hunters. In courtship, he absolutely needs you to challenge him in order to feel the maximum amount of attraction for you.

If there isn’t one naturally, create one just so he feels there is an obstacle to overcome in order to have you.

Don’t give away too much. Re-frame from sharing way too much detail than you need to. Instead, keep the mystery about you. Say less.
Observe more. Allow him to fill in the blanks himself and he’ll be much more attracted to you.

How To Forgive A Cheating Husband…

How I Learned To Forgive My Husband!

Don’t neglect your emotions.

You will want to take your anger out by hurting your cheating husband or by taking revenge.

This is not the right way to face your emotions, try dealing with your anger without taking it out on your husband.

Try talking to a close family member or a friend, consider writing your feelings down in a diary or a journal, go for a walk, sing or dance it out or even punch a pillow.

Just do not project your rage on people around you.

Forgiveness will set you free.

When the person you have vowed to stay with and love forever cheats on you, your first instinct is to curse him and never ever forgive him. Forgiving a cheating spouse is not easy.

But, forgive your husband not because he is sorry and has apologized a million times.

How To Forgive A Cheating Husband…
How To Forgive A Cheating Husband…

forgive him for YOUR peace of mind because YOU deserve it. Letting go of mistakes and forgiving is an important tool for a prosperous marriage.

Forgiveness does not mean that you are overlooking the insensitive behavior of your husband.

but it is still possible to forgive him when you cannot help but picture your husband betraying you and you start feeling nauseated.

think of your calm happy place or distract yourself and do something so you do not think about it for too long.

give him a chance to become a better husband.

Get The Answers You Need.

Don’t hesitate to ask for the answers you need.

Ask your husband what made him do it.

Learn about what might make him do it again. Ask him if something about your marriage pushed him into doing it.

Build a new marriage and make it your goal to survive the anger and the insecurities.

You and your husband need to reassure each other to come out of this rough patch.

Learn how to forgive a cheater first, give him a second chance and you will see the change in your husband soon.

And these are the three ways to teach you how to forgive a cheating husband.

It is natural to want to know why your partner cheated, but there is rarely a simple answer to why someone becomes unfaithful.

It could be a symptom of other problems in your marriage, it could relate to something in your partner’s past, or it could be totally unrelated to you or to your marriage. 

No matter the cause, you’ll have a lot of complicated feelings to sort through, and a lot to think about as you decide how to move forward. These eight tips can help you cope with the aftermath of betrayal:

Accept Your Feelings.
Shock, agitation, fear, pain, depression, and confusion are normal. You will likely feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster for a while.1 It takes time to get beyond the pain of having an unfaithful mate.

Don’t expect the mixture of feelings and the mistrust to go away even if you’re trying to forgive your partner and repair your marriage. Your marriage has changed and it is natural to grieve the relationship you once had.

Don’t Seek Revenge.
Being betrayed by your partner can induce rage. In your furious state, your first instinct may be to punish your mate by trash-talking him to friends (or worse, on social media), or think about having an affair yourself to get even.

You may get a temporary sense of satisfaction from these sorts of actions, but ultimately they can work against you, keeping you in a state of anger instead of focusing on healing and moving on, alone or together.

Think before you tell your family, as well. They will likely have strong opinions about what you should do—leave or stay. But nobody else really understands what goes on in another person’s marriage.

While you are pondering how you’re going to proceed, it’s best to keep the details private.

Try to Take Care of Yourself.
You may have some physical reactions due to stress such as nausea, diarrhea, sleep problems (too little or too much), shakiness, difficulty concentrating, not wanting to eat, or overeating.

Once the initial shock has passed, try your best to eat healthy foods, to stay on a schedule, to sleep regular hours, to get some exercise each day, to drink plenty of water, and, yes, to have some fun.

Avoid the Blame Game.
Blaming yourself, your partner, or the third party won’t change anything and it’s just wasted energy. Try not to play the victim, either, if you can help it, or wallow in self-pity. It will only make you feel more helpless and bad about yourself.

Keep Your Kids out of It.
This situation is between you and your partner and should not involve your children. Even if you have decided to end your marriage, sharing details about an affair will only put your kids in an untenable position, causing them anxiety, making them feel stuck in the middle, and forced to take sides.

Seek Counseling.
Don’t try to get through coping with unfaithfulness alone. Before you make any decisions about whether or not to end your marriage, it’s wise to talk to a couple’s counselor, who will be neutral and can help you gain insight into what exactly happened.2 You can ask your partner questions and share your feelings without losing your cool.

An experienced therapist can help you communicate better and process feelings of guilt, shame, and whatever else you might be feeling. If you decide to end the marriage, you ‘ll know that you tried your best to make it work.

Get Practical.
If you suspect that the affair will most likely lead to the end of your marriage, give some thought to practical matters, such as where you will live, if you have enough money to pay for your essentials, and, if you have kids, the type of custody arrangement you want.

You may also want to consider asking your partner to be tested for STDs, and to get yourself tested as well if you have had sex during or after the affair.

Take It One Day at a Time.
Infidelity is one of the more difficult challenges a marriage can face, but it doesn’t always mean it’s the end.

As you work through the aftermath over time, it will become clear how to go forward so that the next phase of your life, together or apart, can begin.

Be Fair.
We’re not saying rush into his arms at the first instance when he does something to win you back. This is cheating, remember, and not a lover’s tiff. But if a gesture from him genuinely warms your heart, let him know.

He’s as scared as you are, and probably dealing with guilt, so telling him that something he did made you feel better, or made you feel reassured will go a long way in cementing your relationship once again, this time without letting any cracks show.

In all of this, don’t lose sight of yourself. You don’t owe it to anyone to forgive your husband if you’re not going to be happy doing it. Remember, forgiveness is more for your own peace than anyone else and you shouldn’t feel cornered or pressurized to forgive him for the sake of something.

How To Forgive A Cheating Husband…
How To Forgive A Cheating Husband…

How to Attract Men Without Talking

Here are some tips and tricks from relationship and matchmaking experts that can help you get a man to focus his attention on you.

Smile, Men just need a little encouragement. If you can make eye contact, smile at them. If they’re available and interested, they’ll come over.

I remember just smiling at a guy in a bar once; it was like he’d been waiting for a green light because he came over immediately and we ended up dating for three months.

How to Attract Men Without Talking
How to Attract Men Without Talking

Ask for his help, Open up about a challenging situation at work or ask him for an app recommendation.

“Think of whatever you can ask him that makes him thinks he’s smart — other than his stomach, through helpfulness is the best way to get to him,” said Tessina.

Talk about your hobbies, Talk about little things you do, like keeping fresh flowers at home, doing yoga, reading a book every week, or getting a good night’s sleep, said Emily Holmes Hahn, founder of LastFirst bespoke matchmaking club.

They might seem insignificant, but any sign of a “centered and balanced lifestyle” is encouraging, she said.

Look him in the eye, Both Tessina and Hahn recommend some classic, direct eye contact.

(But don’t stare them down, either.) Some friendly eye to eye will let him know you’re interested, so don’t be afraid to eye-flirt across the room!

Say thank you, It turns out men actually get annoyed when women don’t say thank you, according to Lori Zaslow and Jenn Zucher, founders of the matchmaking company Project Soulmate.

“Even the most confident guy needs a thank you,” said Zucher.

Know when to give up, If you make eye contact with a cute guy and you appear to be open, friendly, and inviting, and he still doesn’t come over, you probably don’t want to waste your time going after him.

He knows something you don’t—like, that he’s not interested…or he’s married.

Have you ever thought of a woman approaching you? Well, some women do approach men. However, a woman can still seduce you even without her talking to you. There are many tricks a woman can use to seduce a man without any verbal communication between them. Here are five ways she will seduce you without saying a word:

Eye contact is a crucial way of communication. Maintaining eye contact with this guy will send him crucial signals of your interest in him. You can vary your eye’s inclination to show him various signals. A woman should understand that men are visual beings and these eye movements will not pass him unnoticed.

Body language there are many ways a woman will use her body to seduce a man even without talking to him. The way you will sit next to him, the way you will vary your positions and the way you will move your head and eyes toward him will send him signals of your interest in him.

Dress code here is nothing that makes a woman attractive more than her dressing. The way you dress will attract men to you even without talking to them. Men are visual beings and your dress code will not pass them unnoticed. He will be more than ready to associate with you when you have this amazing dress on.

Walking style there are many walking styles our women have adopted. However, if you want to seduce him, try that sexy walking style when you move near him.

He will notice it and definitely will fall for your simple trick.When it comes to attracting men, it’s often the small things you do that make the biggest difference. While someone’s physical appearance may cause a few initial glances.

there are other ways to get men to notice you and ask you out.These tips aren’t meant to change who you are. Every woman out there has the potential of attracting someone incredible.

But knowing how to use what you have, and when to accentuate certain parts of your personality, are key.If you’re brand new to the dating scene, or just looking to revamp your game, here are a few maneuvers guys absolutely love.

Great posture
So many of us have poor posture, especially working jobs that require a lot of sitting. But before you go out to try and meet someone new, you may want to work on standing up straight and fixing those hunched shoulders. It has nothing to do with height, but everything to do with confidence. If your posture is in check, you’re nonverbally giving off the vibe that you’re comfortable with yourself, which guys love.

Knowing your own voice
Your voice is one of the first things he’ll end up noticing, especially if he hears you across the room chatting with your friends. It’s important to have a good idea of how you come off in those situations (and if it changes if you’ve had a few drinks). If you’re not the loudest person in the room and if you don’t cut off people’s conversations to dominate them, you’ll be a lot more attractive in his eyes. Men like women who know how to talk but also know how to really listen.

The ability to communicate
It’s a big myth that it’s only women who love chatting about their personal lives men often like it just as much. Unless you start out with severely personal stuff (which may rub him the wrong way) he’ll love it if you took the time to ask him about his favorite video game or movie, or where he grew up. Of course, if this turned into a full-fledged relationship, he’ll need to ask you those questions too. But by putting him in the spotlight, he’ll know you know how to start a conversation and show interest in someone.

Knowing how to take a joke
A guy shouldn’t be mean or cruel to you, but they may do some light ribbing, especially if it comes to conversations about sports team preferences or something else easily debatable. Guys are attracted to girls with thick skin who can not only take a joke, but hurl one right back.

Making eye contact
When someone makes eye contact with you, you know they’re interested in getting your attention. If he’s talking and you’re looking right at him, he’ll know you’re locked into the conversation. But if your eyes are darting around, he’ll feel a little ignored or worse, that he’s so boring that you’re looking for an out.

Lightly touching him
Even if you’re a woman touching a man, just know that there are always boundaries—and if he recoils or feels shocked, just back away and don’t push the issue. Otherwise, a brief stroke on the arm or side hug is a great way to show him that you don’t mind being close to him. Plus, it’s a great way for you to literally feel the electricity between you.

Taking control of the situation
It’s a nice gesture if he buys you a drink, but guys don’t want to have to do all the work. which means that gender rules are off the table. Be assertive, and try to plan that first date. Show him you’re interested so he doesn’t have to dance around the issue. Not only will this show your confidence, but he’ll be attracted to the fact that you’re not the type of girl who waits around for others to make all the moves.

Knowing your limits
Whether it’s about how late to stay out, or how many drinks you can have without getting sloppy, knowing your limits proves you’re an adult. You’re not against having a good time, but you’re old enough to know that slurring your words and stumbling across the dance floor isn’t fun. Being out of control isn’t very attractive—guys want to be with someone who knows how to take care of themselves.

Staying positive
Regardless of all the negativity happening in the world, it’s still a beautiful place. And, nobody is attracted to a downer who’ll tell you otherwise. It’s so easy to switch into a negative, self-loathing mode, but guys are attracted to girls who have no problem going out and having fun even on a bad day. With a positive personality, he’ll also know he can lean on you if he ever needs a bit of emotional support.

Aside from merely attracting a guy, the traits above will make you more attractive as an overall human. Confidence can be your best asset when it comes to getting ahead or meeting someone brand new.

How to Attract Men Without Talking
How to Attract Men Without Talking

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?

cracks in the nuance of human emotion that hint mutual attraction...

Prolonged Eye Contact..One of the commonest identifiers of mutual attraction is prolonged eye contact.

When someone is curious about you or thinks about you all the time, they often gaze at you with this piercing and intense look. Sometimes, it even borders into creepiness.

If someone is a little too friendly with you, it means that they want you to be more than just friends with you.

When There is Energy Between Lovers Sure, they might do others a favour or two or have a sober conversation with them.

but when they are with you, they always do a little extra and treat you like you’re special and unique.

Willingness to spend a lot of Time Some people love our company. They always call us whenever they need some help or want to hang out casually.

But when someone, other than a friend or a family member, especially a potential partner wants to revel in our company all the time, it means something entirely different.

When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?
When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?

They would rather sit in silence with you than watch a movie or go out with friends and have a grand time because they consider you more important than “just any other friend”.

It’s in the eyes
According to Dr. Jeremy Nicholson, a psychologist, you will learn a lot from the way a woman looks at you. For instance, if the woman holds your gaze a little longer than usual, the chances are that she considers you more than a friend or a colleague.

Do you often go to look at her and you catch her watching you, only to see her quickly turn away in embarrassment? Well, that is a positive sign that the woman is attracted to you. If a girl is into you, she will be checking you out … a lot. Indeed, some studies have indicated that prolonged eye contact can trigger feelings of love between two people.

Have you ever noticed it? We rarely make strong eye contact with people we do not like. In fact, we deliberately avoid eye contact with people with whom we do not want to get drawn in a conversation. Also, experts indicate that even infants maintain eye contact with people they are interested in.

The position of her body means more than her words

A girl who is interested in you will have an open and forward body language. Often, you will notice that her feet point towards you, her legs will be uncrossed and comfortable, and she will have her arms open and the palms up. She will also be smiling and probably fondling with her hair and jewelry.

She will find any excuse to touch you

People do not touch people they do not like. If a girl is interested in you, she will not resist to reach out and touch your arms, hands or shoulders. She will straighten your jacket or reach out to touch your knee as she makes a point during a conversation. The more she touches you, the more it is safer to assume that she is interested in you.

She loves being close to you

Another good sign that a woman is interested in you is the proximity. A woman who likes you will position herself in such a way that she is always in your immediate orbit. It is no coincidence that she has happened to be in your vicinity on several occasions. She will post up near you as you stand around.

You will realize that you are always seeing her out of the corner of your eye, and in the book store, you always seem to end up in the same row. These signs indicate that the girl wants you and she is doing all she can to get to know you better.

She mirrors your body language

Relationship experts say that when we like someone, we subconsciously adjust our body language to mirror theirs. For instance, if you are out on a date and you happen to lean forward into the table, there is a high probability that she will naturally do the same. This behavior is known as ‘interactional symmetry,’ and it starts in infancy.

A study whose results were recorded in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior indicated that people mimic the behavior of those they are attracted to. Pay attention to her body language. Does it mirror your own? What about the words she uses. Is she building on your jokes? She is not consciously copying you; she is just doing what people do when they are around someone they are attracted to.

She laughs at your jokes

A study by German Psychologists indicated that a woman’s’ laughter could accurately predict how she feels about the man she is with. Indeed, research further suggests that women want to be with a man who can make them laugh, while a man wants a partner who can laugh at his jokes.

Further, marriage experts indicate that humor plays a huge role in diffusing tension and conflict in the relationship. The degree to which the woman laughs while talking to you is indicative of the degree of success you would have dated her.

She asks you personal questions

A friend recently posted on Facebook the way he was having a casual chat with a girl, usual stuff, and then out of the blues, she asks:

Sharing of herself

A woman who wants you will convey her attraction for you by sharing stories about herself, usually information she wouldn’t share with just anyone. According to Social Psychology Quarterly, people do not mind sharing even embarrassing details about their lives with people that they have an interest in getting to know further.

On the contrary, sharing personal information with someone whom you have no interest in is too great a risk. Pay close attention to the kind of information she shares about yourself with you.

She compliments you a lot

A woman may not want to show obvious signs of attraction since she doesn’t want to look unladylike. She could also be shy and afraid of being rejected. As a result, she will end up giving you a lot of compliments, communicating indirectly that she likes you. This is meant to provide you with the confidence to make your move.

The Way That They Look At You

A sign that someone is falling in love with you is through their eye contact. This has also been something that has been studied by psychologists. This is a nonverbal sign that can mean a lot, and reveal deeper feelings from your partner.

When you catch your partner glancing over at you, or looking at you while you are talking, this can mean that they love spending time with you and are happy to be with you. Even when you are busy chatting with someone, you may still catch your partner looking at you and this can be a big sign that they are in love with you and are very happy to be around you.

They Want To Take Care Of You

If your partner rushes to take care of you, whether you are ill or have heard some bad news, this is a great sign that they love you.

If they ask you questions to see how you feel and if you need anything, this can be a way of saying that they love you, they want you to be OK and will make sure of it.

Someone who loves another person will often want to care for them, make sure they are happy and be there when they need to be, so look for this sign in your partner, as it is a great indicator that they could be in love with you.

They Respect Your Personal Space

If you need personal space, they will be sure to give you some. Your partner should listen to you and understand that you need some space, which should be respected. If your partner leaves you while you have some time to yourself, including not bombarding you with messages or just showing up uninvited, then this can really mean that they love you.

When someone knows that you need some time apart, even if it’s a couple of hours or a couple of days, they will understand and respect your decision, which can be a sign that someone is in love with you.

They Ask For Your Advice

If someone is in love, they will often hold their partner’s views very highly and always want their opinion on important decisions. Your partner will ask for advice on certain things and they know that you will most likely give them great advice that will help them, and that shows a great deal of trust.

No matter the situation; maybe something to do with their job, or if they need help with a problem they have, they will want your advice as they will most likely think highly of you and your opinions.

They Will Drop Everything For You

When someone puts their own needs and wants aside for yours, this can be a great sign that someone is in love with you. If you really care about someone, you will most likely be there when they need you, even if this involves dropping everything you are doing at the time.

If someone does this for you, it shows that they want to support and comfort you when you need it, which is a sign that they really care for you and your needs.

They Make You Feel Good About Who You Are

It is always nice to have someone that makes you feel good about yourself, even on your worst days. When your significant other can not only make you happy generally but also make you feel good about yourself and who you are, it shows affection and love towards you.

Your partner may not even know that they are doing it, but the way that they behave and act around you can have a great impact on your relationship, for all the right reasons. When someone wants you to be happy with who you are and finds a way to do so, they may be in love with you.

They Introduce You To Their Family

This is a big step in any relationship. Your family can be some of the closest people to you, who want to look out for you and care for you. When you are introduced to someone’s family, it can be a great sign of commitment and love as they want those closest to them to also meet and get to know you.

When someone is showing this sign of commitment, they are normally in the relationship for the long run and are looking forward to the future. This is a great indicator that they could be in love with you.

They Ask About Your Day

Usually, in relationships, you ask your partner how their day has been and want to know what they have been up to. This shows that you care about your partner and what has either upset them or made them happy during their day.


If your partner is showing interest in your day and what is happening when they are not with you, this is a sign of a loving relationship. It could be high or low points of your day, but whatever it is, they want to know and are eager to listen; this could be a sign that someone is in love with you.

They Actively Express Their Emotions

It can be hard for some people to express how they really feel and can be especially hard to try and do that in relationships too. If your partner is trying their hardest to express their emotions, even if it takes a while, it could be love.

When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?
When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?

How to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy…

Here’s what you need to know!

1. don’t be easy on social media..
The key is to keep him wanting more of you. Because you ended the conversation, it will make him contact you first because he feels the need to continue your conversation.

Be a little mysterious so that will miss you. Pause on updating your status, uploading your photos, and sharing things on Facebook.

Additionally, stop liking and commenting on his posts because it will make him think that you are needy for his attention.

Relationship goals

2. The waiting game..

If a woman is interested in a guy, she responds immediately to a call or text coming from him. But, responding to him right away will give him hints that you are always available for him at his convenience.

Men love the chase so do not get caught easily.

Make him wait as long as needed but not long enough that will make him lose interest.

This may be silly but it always works. It makes him craves for you more.

How to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy…
How to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy…

3. Be the first to end the conversation..

After making him wait, he will eventually contact you if he really likes you.

Always be the one to hang up the phone and let him be the one to send that last text.

if you want him to miss you, wear that same perfume everytime you see him.

Each time that certain smell hits his nose you are the one he will be thinking of.

You can also try to spray your perfume on his things so even if you are not together, he will still smell you.

5. Add a little bit of mystery and surprise..

Your guy loves a little bit of mystery. You do not need to tell everything about you in just one sitting.

Men tend to lose interest if they already know everything about you.

They think they already conquered you and you do not excite them anymore.

Remember, men love the chase and challenge.

(Men love girls who need a hero. Even if you don’t need a hero, here’s how you can invite one into your life – starting today).

6. Leave things behind..

Make a point of leaving small things like your hairclip or earings at your guy’s house or car.

So every time your guy see it, he will remember you.

7. Leave him craving for more..

Men want what they can’t have. So give him a taste but do not give it all.

Make it challenging for him. In this way, he will appreciate you more.

8. Be independent..

Your man is not going to miss you if you are constantly available to him.

Give him space and create your own space, too.

There’s no need to be always together. If he is really into you, you do not need to worry about him enjoying the free time.

Guys really like it when you are not so clingy. Enjoy your own thing and let him miss you.

How to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy…
How to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy…

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Make Your Love be Stronger!

Relationships aren’t about having another person complete you, but coming to the relationship whole and sharing your life interdependently.

Make Your Love be Stronger!
Make Your Love be Stronger!
By letting go of the romantic ideal of merging and becoming “one,” you learn as Rainer Maria Rilke says, to love the distances in a relationship as much as the togetherness.

See your partner for who he or she really is, The romantic tragedy occurs when you view the person you are in love with as a symbol of what they have come to represent, the idea of them.

When you realize that more often than not you don’t really know your partner, you begin to discover who they are and how they change and evolve.

Be willing to learn from each other, The key is to see the other as a mirror and learn from the reflection on how you can be a better person.

When you feel upset, rather than blame your partner and point fingers, remain awake to what has yet to be healed in yourself.

Get comfortable being alone, In order to accept that love can’t rescue you from being alone.

learn to spend time being with yourself. By feeling safe and secure to be on your own within the framework of a relationship, you will feel more complete, happy, and whole.

Look closely at why a fight may begin, Some couples create separateness by fighting and then making up over and over again.

This allows you to continue the romantic trance, creating drama, and avoiding real intimacy.

If you become aware of what you fear about intimacy, you’ll have a better sense of why you’re fighting and likely will fight far less.

Own who you are, We generally grasp at romantic love because we’re yearning for something that is out of reach.

something in another person that we don’t think we possess in ourselves. Unfortunately, when we finally get love, we discover that we didn’t get what we were looking for.

True love only exists by loving yourself first. You can only get from another person what you’re willing to give yourself.

Embrace ordinariness, After the fairy-dust start of a relationship ends, we discover ordinariness.

and we often do everything we can to avoid it. The trick is to see that ordinariness can become the real “juice” of intimacy.

The day-to-day loveliness of sharing life with a partner can, and does, become extraordinary.

Expand your heart, One thing that unites us is that we all long to be happy. This happiness usually includes the desire to be close to someone in a loving way.

To create real intimacy, get in touch with the spaciousness of your heart, and bring awareness to what is good within you.

It’s easier to recognize the good in your partner when you’re connected to the good in yourself.

Focus on giving love, Genuine happiness is not about feeling good about ourselves because other people love us.

Make Your Love be Stronger!
Make Your Love be Stronger!
it’s more about how well we have loved ourselves and others. The unintentional outcome of loving others more deeply is that we are loved more deeply.

Let go of expectations, You may look to things such as romance and constant togetherness to fill a void in yourself.

This will immediately cause suffering. If you unconsciously expect to receive love in certain ways to avoid giving that love to yourself, you will put your sense of security in someone else.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to Build a Healthy Relationship!

The key to building an interdependent relationship is to be mindful of who you are from the beginning.
How to Build a Healthy Relationship!
How to Build a Healthy Relationship!
Many times people are looking for or entering, relationships simply to avoid feeling alone.

without any personal reflection of who they are, what they value, and their goals for the relationship

Most of us value connection with others, especially in our romantic relationships. In fact.

we are wired for connection and it allows us to create bonds and intimacy with our partner.

The success of long-term relationships depends heavily on the quality of our emotional connection with each other.

When we think of our ideal relationships we often think of a wonderful, close, lifelong relationship with our most important person.

So, how do we build that kind of relationship? That cozy, safe, long-term bond with someone who we know has our back for the long haul? A relationship that gives us the freedom to be ourselves, that supports our growth and allows us to have flexibility with each other?

An interdependent person recognizes the value of vulnerability, being able to turn to their partner in meaningful ways to create emotional intimacy.

They also value a sense of self that allows them and their partner to be themselves without any need to compromise who they are or their values system.

Being dependent on another person can sound scary or even unhealthy.

Growing up, we are often taught an over-inflated value of independence, to be somewhat self-contained, with a high value placed on not needing others for emotional support.

As valuable as having a sense of independence is, taken to an extreme, this can actually get in the way of us being able to connect emotionally with others in a meaningful way.

Emotional intimacy with a partner can be difficult to achieve, even scary or not seen as particularly valuable in a relationship, for those who have an extraordinary sense of independence.

Interdependence is not the same thing as being codependent. A codependent person tends to rely heavily on others for their sense of self and well-being.

There is no ability for that person to distinguish where they end and their partner begins.

there is an enmeshed sense of responsibility to another person to meet their needs and/or for their partner to meet all of their needs to feel okay about who they are.

Codependent relationships are not healthy and do not allow partners room to be themselves, to grow, and to be autonomous.

These unhealthy relationships involve one partner, or both, relying heavily on the other and the relationship for their sense of self, feelings of worthiness, and overall emotional well-being.

There are often feelings of guilt and shame for one or both partners when the relationship is not going well.

Interdependence involves a balance of self and others within the relationship, recognizing that both partners are working to be present and meet each other’s physical and emotional needs in appropriate and meaningful ways.

Partners are not demanding of one another and they do not look to their partner for feelings of worthiness.

This gives each partner space to maintain a sense of self, room to move toward each other in times of need and the freedom to make these decisions without fear of what will happen in the relationship.

When partners feel cherished and valued, the relationship becomes a safe haven and a place where the couple can be interdependent.

This means that they understand they are not alone in the relationship, can turn toward each other safely in times of need, and feel secure that their partner will be present.

The key to building an interdependent relationship is to be mindful of who you are from the beginning.

Many times people are looking for or entering, relationships simply to avoid feeling alone, without any personal reflection of who they are, what they value, and their goals for the relationship

Most of us value connection with others, especially in our romantic relationships. In fact, we are wired for connection and it allows us to create bonds and intimacy with our partner.

The success of long-term relationships depends heavily on the quality of our emotional connection with each other.

When we think of our ideal relationships we often think of a wonderful, close, lifelong relationship with our most important person.

So, how do we build that kind of relationship? That cozy, safe, long-term bond with someone who we know has our back for the long haul? A relationship that gives us the freedom to be ourselves, that supports our growth and allows us to have flexibility with each other?

What Is Interdependence?
Interdependence suggests that partners recognize and value the importance of the emotional bond they share while maintaining a solid sense of self within the relationship dynamic.

An interdependent person recognizes the value of vulnerability, being able to turn to their partner in meaningful ways to create emotional intimacy.

They also value a sense of self that allows them and their partner to be themselves without any need to compromise who they are or their values system.

Being dependent on another person can sound scary or even unhealthy. Growing up, we are often taught an over-inflated value of independence, to be somewhat self-contained.

with a high value placed on not needing others for emotional support. As valuable as having a sense of independence is.

taken to an extreme, this can actually get in the way of us being able to connect emotionally with others in a meaningful way. Emotional intimacy with a partner can be difficult to achieve.

even scary or not seen as particularly valuable in a relationship, for those who have an extraordinary sense of independence.

Interdependence is not the same thing as being codependent. A codependent person tends to rely heavily on others for their sense of self and well-being.

There is no ability for that person to distinguish where they end and their partner begins.

there is an enmeshed sense of responsibility to another person to meet their needs and/or for their partner to meet all of their needs to feel okay about who they are.

Codependent relationships are not healthy and do not allow partners room to be themselves, to grow, and to be autonomous.

These unhealthy relationships involve one partner, or both, relying heavily on the other and the relationship for their sense of self, feelings of worthiness, and overall emotional well-being.

There are often feelings of guilt and shame for one or both partners when the relationship is not going well.

Interdependence involves a balance of self and others within the relationship, recognizing that both partners are working to be present and meet each other’s physical and emotional needs in appropriate and meaningful ways.

Partners are not demanding of one another and they do not look to their partner for feelings of worthiness. 
How to Build a Healthy Relationship!
How to Build a Healthy Relationship!
This gives each partner space to maintain a sense of self, room to move toward each other in times of need and the freedom to make these decisions without fear of what will happen in the relationship.

When partners feel cherished and valued, the relationship becomes a safe haven and a place where the couple can be interdependent.

This means that they understand they are not alone in the relationship, can turn toward each other safely in times of need, and feel secure that their partner will be present.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Good First Date Ideas.

Take a class together…Learning something new together will put you in an unusual environment, a bit out of your comfort zone.

Good First Date Ideas.
Good First Date Ideas.
and will make your date even more fun. What classes do we have in mind? You can go to a salsa class or a cooking class.

You can go to an art class of some sort. Play with the idea. I’m sure there’s some sort of class in your city that both of you will find fun.

Concert…Going to a live concert can be an amazing first date. Truth be told, you probably won’t get the chance to talk a lot.

but you’ll have a lot of fun together singing and dancing, and become closer just because of sharing this experience.

Theater or Musical…I remember when I took my husband to a musical for the very first time. He thought he was just going to do this for me once and that would be it.

Because, seriously, a musical? I remember the look on his face once the curtain opened. He has been begging me to go with him to different musicals ever since.

Ok, it wasn’t our first date, but it would’ve been great if it was. Taking your date to the theater is so much more original than taking her to the movies.

And if you live in cities like London or New York, there’s no way you’d be disappointed.

A Little Secret: Most women LOVE musicals. If you’re a guy reading this article, trying to find something amazing to do on a first date, you would so blow the competition out of the water with this.

Amusement park..If you’re about to go on a date with a bit of an adrenaline junkie, an amusement park could be the best way to go.

The lines go on and on, but you get to spend more time together than you would if you just go to dinner and you can enjoy a bunch of fun things to do. Plus, the adrenaline rush can be an amazing turn on.

Biking..You both own bikes and love to ride them? Great! Your first date is the perfect opportunity to share a hobby.

show each other new bike trails, why not even enjoy friendly competition? Just don’t forget the protective helmets!

Take a walk…As a dating coach, I’ve always recommended taking a walk as a first date when you’re first meeting someone you found online.

First of all, it’s safe, especially if you choose a big park for the weekend. Second of all, it could be short or long.

you can see how it goes and decides. Third of all, you can always turn it into a coffee date or a dinner date if you really, really enjoy it.

Short trip…Do you remember that episode from “Friends” where Pete took Monica to a restaurant in Rome.
Good First Date Ideas.
Good First Date Ideas.
you know because they make the best pizza? Ok, taking a trip at this stage really is risky, but I’m not saying it should be something huge.

With the low-cost airlines popping up around the globe, anyone can afford to be a bit more adventurous.

And if you don’t feel like getting on a plane, you can at least take a road trip to a nearby town.

Why Rebound Relationships Fail Almost Every Time!

Rebound relationships can seem like a good idea if you really need to forget stuff. When one is desperate enough.

Why Rebound Relationships Fail Almost Every Time!
Why Rebound Relationships Fail Almost Every Time!

the idea that it’s best to avoid rebound relationships is not just something to even give serious thought to.

Take your pick of any random adult and ask them what they think is the best way to overcome the disappointment of a failed relationship or breakup.

Almost half of them would suggest getting into a new affair as soon as possible.

The logic is sound enough. After all, there are lots of drama and excitement getting to know a new person.

There is the joy of discovering new things. The expectation of the first date. The first night out and so on.

A rebound relationship would certainly take your mind off things that are unpleasant to think of.

And you could get lucky and land yourself a really awesome partner.

No matter how strong you are, the aftermath of the breakup of a really intense relationship would leave you very sore.

At that point, you are like an open wound at the mercy of harmful bacteria.

Because of that, you are very vulnerable. It would be easy for somebody to take advantage of you and treat you miserably.

And like an open wound, it would be easy to hurt you even further.

When you rush into an affair with somebody because you want to shroud the hurt of the past, you are practically playing with your new partner’s emotions.

The fact is, you won’t tell them your motive of going into the relationship. They might take you seriously enough to want something permanent.

You, on the other hand, would likely move on after a while. That is plain selfish, unfair, and wicked to an innocent person.

This is one of the most important reasons to avoid rebound relationships. Because you are so vulnerable and are in a hurry to get hitched up, you won’t bother to screen your partner for compatibility.

And because you are obsessed with getting a new partner fast, you throw good judgment out of the window. You might even end up with a weirdo or even a psychopath.

After just coming out of a relationship, chances are you haven’t had time to properly compartmentalize your feelings for your ex.

Now you are throwing new emotions into the equation so soon after the separation?

This would be a confusing mixture for you. Don’t be surprised if your new partner is constantly snapping their fingers in front of your face to bring you back to the present; since your mind is constantly trying to understand what is going on with you.

Each new relationship is unique. Every relationship you pass through would teach you a little bit more about yourself.

So you need some time away from relationships to understand how you behaved in your last relationship.

The fact is, avoiding serious self-analysis can lead you to repeat the same mistakes again.

To become a better person moving forward, take time out to process what happened and how you might have reacted differently.

Some people might even say if you don’t avoid rebound relationships, you’ve completely ruled out any chance of a reconciliation.

Here is the thing, getting into a new relationship so soon after a break would give the impression you planned the breakup so you could hook up with your new partner.

That could be something your ex would never forgive you for. The idea would be that you had been seeing somebody else on the side. Or two-timing them, to put it another way.

By the time you’ve you’ve calmed down, and decided you want to be with your ex again, too much water, in the form of your rebound relationship, had already passed under the bridge.

So many good things do come out of a broken relationship. It is not always doom and gloom.

One of the good aspects of being alone again is a chance to enjoy your independence. You would never know how suffocating a relationship is until you are out of it.

Then, it is a good chance to do some stuff alone. Things you never had the chance to do because, perhaps, your partner wasn’t down with them.

Why Rebound Relationships Fail Almost Every Time!
Why Rebound Relationships Fail Almost Every Time!

So enjoy your alone time for as long as possible before trying out the dating scene again.

If you are right now thinking of dating again so soon after leaving a relationship, just take a step back and think about it for a minute. You could be saving yourself a whole lot of bother in the future.

There’s no reason why a rebound relationship can’t survive (and even thrive). But in order for that to happen.

both people need to be in it with their eyes wide open. The rebound role isn’t the kiss of death for your relationship.

but it does mean you’ll need to proceed with caution. As long as you can remain realistic about what your partner is capable of bringing to the table, you’ll be able to continue dating with an open mind and an open heart.