That Awakens a Man’s Deepest Longing for Love
This longing has ancient origins.
You see,the cause of this longing is written into the very fabric of his DNA. And there it lies, dormant… until one day, the right trigger unleashes its power.
I’d like to show you how to become that trigger, and how to awaken the full force your man’s bonding instinct.
Stories form the foundation of all human connections. They create the sensation of one shared life experience.
It’s strange, but true, that we can even find ourselves rooting for thieves and criminals so long as we see their story unfold.
Movies like Ocean’s Eleven and The Italian Job illustrate this well.

In the movie, Ocean’s Eleven, actors George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon make for a cast of likeable thieves. But beyond their good looks, we get pulled into the story.
We discover what’s driving Danny Ocean’s motivation to rob a casino. A casino that just happens to be owned by his ex-wife’s new lover.
We can empathize with Danny Ocean’s pain.
And by the end of the movie we are actually rooting for him to get away with it. To steal the money and disappear into the sunset with his ex-wife, Tess, by his side.
Perhaps stranger still is the way we respond to fiction in the first place. A skilled novelist can have me on the edge of my seat, rooting for a person who doesn’t even exist in real life.
Literary critics may scoff, but I actually liked the twilight series by Stephanie Meyer.
I think my hand was actually trembling from adrenaline as the Volturi began to march across the field, intent on destroying Isabella’s daughter.
But wait, that’s all make-believe. So how could it cause a physical reaction in my body?
The answer, of course, is the power of story.
Since ancient times, stories have been the primary means by which humans communicated important information.
Because of that, our minds are literally wired for story.
Stories influence our emotions. They are at the heart of communication. Allowing us to feel connected to each other.
When I reach the end of my life, I know which people I will want by my side. It will be those who have witnessed my life story.

The friendly, pretty nurse may be a wonderful person. But if she is a stranger to me, it doesn’t matter what positive attributes she has.
I will still feel alone. Because she does not know my story, and I do not know hers.
Knowing this instinctively, she will expend great effort to quickly summon my friends and family. The people who know my story.
To trigger a man’s deepest feelings of attraction, you need to become a special part of his story. You do that by revealing your needs, and allowing him to help you meet them. Why? Because it triggers his hero instinct.
Make a man feel like your hero, and you unleash his desire to commit to something more. He can’t help it.
He just starts to see you differently.
It’s as if your relationship unlocks a version of himself he has always longed for. It feels right in a way he can’t put into words.
It unleashes his protective instincts, the noble aspects of his masculinity, and most importantly, his deepest feelings of love and attraction.
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