Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Strangest Thing Men Desire!

How To Make him Miss You Here’s What You Need To know!

A woman who is independent: An independent, mature man desires a woman who inspires and has a mind of her own.

A confident and successful man will not be frightened by a woman who is independent and successful in her own life.

How To Get Ex Back

The Strangest Thing Men Desire!
The Strangest Thing Men Desire!

He wants a woman who knows what she wants from life. A great guy wants a woman who knows how to stay busy and not make the man in her life her world. She should be having a stable career of her own and a good circle of high flying friends.

A woman who is emotionally stable: A man will love a woman who is stable in her thinking and knows how to handle a relation maturely.

A woman must have the maturity not to criticize and play the blame game when something goes wrong.

How To Get Ex Back

That doesn’t mean that a woman should be suppressing her emotions all the time so that she appears desirable to her man. But she should be able to express her feelings in a calm and dignified way. Men, who acknowledge and love a woman for who she is, are drawn to (and not intimidated by) this feminine presence in its unabashed expression.

He is not judgmental of a woman on the basis of the ages of mindless social conditioning. He is evolved enough to be able to see her love and her light, surrender to it, and thereby, make it his own.

Have you ever felt attracted to a guy without knowing why?
Maybe you’ve even had feelings for someone you’d rather not be

How To Get Ex Back

attracted to. Why does this happen?
How can you fall in love even though your conscious mind resists it?
Experiences like these hint at the hidden world driving our feelings of romantic attraction.

That hidden world is all about emotional reactions. Emotional reactions we don’t consciously control.

The truth is, falling in love is not something we choose to do. It’s more like getting thirsty. You don’t choose to get thirsty. You just notice it. And the stronger your thirst becomes, the harder it gets to ignore.

What if I told you there is a kind of relationship “thirst” all men experience? A kind of thirst that’s impossible for him to quench on his own. Would you like to know what he’s so thirsty for?

How To Get Ex Back

To skip straight to the answer, check out this video
that reveals how you can trigger his thirst for something he needs and craves. Plus, I’ll show you how to ensure you are the ONLY person he depends on to satisfy this powerful longing.

Here’s why the man in your life can’t tell you what he craves most from his relationship with you…

He’s embarrassed to admit the truth. And that’s because admitting to this desire actually moves him farther away from the goal.Here’s why…

Okay, picture a woman who feels frustrated that her man never does anything romantic. She finally breaks down and explains her desire to feel romanced and pursued by him.

How To Get Ex Back

But he acts like she’s being unreasonable, demanding she name one thing that’s missing from the relationship. So she gives him an example. “It would be nice to get flowers once in a while. Just simple things like that.”

The next day, he brings her flowers. But the magic of this gesture is missing. Because it doesn’t feel special to receive flowers when you had to ask for them.

It’s kind of like that with men, only with a completely different sort of relationship need. You see, men have an insatiable thirst for your admiration.

But he can’t ask for it. He can’t say, “Julie, I really like you, but here’s what’s missing in our relationship.

You don’t admire me enough. You seem to have greater admiration for other men in your life, and that makes it hard for me to picture a future with you.”

He can’t say that because men believe you have to earn admiration. Asking for it is like trying to become popular by announcing you are a cool person. It doesn’t work like that.

He will only feel like your hero when you speak the non-verbal language of admiration. He has to read it between the lines of what you actually say and do.

How To Get Ex Back

The Strangest Thing Men Desire!
The Strangest Thing Men Desire!

Now, you might be thinking, “That’s not so crazy. I can understand why a man craves admiration.” But if you’re thinking that, there’s something important I need to tell you.

It’s not just that men crave admiration. It’s that he can’t sustain that “in love” feeling without it.

How To Get Ex Back

Nothing kills a man’s attraction faster than a relationship where he doesn’t feel needed. He wants to see himself as a provider. Someone who is admired because of his ability to provide.

You see, if he doesn’t feel needed, he feels like less of a man emasculated. And that turns off his romantic drive.

And the worst part? You can’t just give him admiration. It only works if he believes he has earned your trust, admiration, and respect.

But here’s the good news. It’s both fun and easy to let him earn your admiration once you know how to set him up for success.

Just find ways to let him be your hero. Now, I should mention there is actually an art to doing that in a way that makes him crazy about you.

But I’ve seen women wrap a man around her pinky using this simple concept. As a relationship coach, I have seen what works and what doesn’t. But what it all comes down to is this…

How To Get Ex Back

You need to trigger his hero instinct.

Accomplish that, and you’ll be astonished by what happens next. He’ll become so loving, so attentive, so much more interested in a committed, long-term relationship, that you will never want things to go back to the way they were.

The hero instinct is a subconscious drive to gravitate toward people who make him feel like a hero. But it’s amplified in his romantic relationships.

Make Him Hunt You!

How To Make him Hunts You..

Let them put in some elbow grease for a change. It’s time for you to kick back and let them do the internet stalking instead. Well, I mean, you still can do that, just keep that on the down-low.

Make Him Hunt You!
Make Him Hunt You!

How to Attract Men

You’re busy. I mean, you could be sitting on the couch watching The Vampire Diaries all day, but the point is, you need to show him you’re busy.

You can’t always answer his messages right away or hang out with him at the drop of a hat. If he needs a 24-hour companion, he should get a dog. He needs to see that you have your own thing going on.

How to Attract Men

Let him think he’s in charge. They need to feel like they’re in charge. They’re men, so, they want to feel like they’re the ones making the decisions.

But that doesn’t mean you’re not the one making the decisions, you just have to be stealthy about it. Let him think he’s the boss. Keyword being think.

No matter your gender or sexual preference, when a confident person walks into a room, you look at them.

How to Attract Men

That’s what you want and that’s the reaction you want him to have. Look confident in your skin and it looks like you don’t need a man, which makes them want you even more.

Don’t let him think he’s the only one. ‘Cause he’s not. Listen, there are a couple of guys, at least, that are trying to get their opportunity to date you. But you must show him that he’s not the only one.

How to Attract Men

Show pictures of you on Instagram with other people or tag them in statuses. Point is, he needs to see you’re in demand.

You don’t have to give him everything right away. You don’t have to sleep with him or make out with him right away.

He’s not your boyfriend, so don’t feel inclined that you owe him something. You don’t owe him anything. You’re not holding him down, telling him to chase you.

How to Attract Men

Show that you have a life. You have friends, you have a job, you’re going to school. You need to show you have a healthy life that isn’t influenced by a guy.

You need to show him that you’re content without a man. And honestly, you should be happy without a guy.

Have some mystery. I know you can burp the ABCs, but he doesn’t have to know that right now, leave that for the fifth date.

How to Attract Men

You also don’t have to open up and tell him about your family drama or past relationships. Save that for later and leave a little mystery.

Flirt. Just because you’re trying to make him chase you, you don’t have to be the ice queen. Have fun and flirt with him.

If you want him to chase you, show that you’re interested in him. You have to give him a reason to chase you.

How to Attract Men

Less is more. If you are texting each other, don’t send him an essay. Honestly, no one likes to read pages of text on a smartphone.

Keep your messages short and sweet, leave your words for when you two go on a date.

Don’t woo over him. If you want to know how to make a man chase you, and do it right, the worst thing to do is sit, holding his arm as you look lovingly into his eyes.

How to Attract Men

He’s not god and if you want him to chase you, you can’t let him think that anyway. Sure, compliment him but don’t go all googly-eyed over him. It looks needy and clingy.

Be sexy. Now, you don’t have to dress like someone you’re not. But you can amp up your sexiness by enhancing features that you naturally have.

No, I don’t mean get your lips filled, but you can wear a plumping lipstick or show off your curves. Men are visual, so it’ll drive him crazy.

How to Attract Men

Be easy on the drama. I learned this the hard way. Men don’t like drama. Actually, they literally run if they hint an ounce of drama on you.

They can’t be bothered with it nor can they emotionally handle it. So, leave the drama at home or on the group message with your girls.

Don’t focus on him. This is the weird law of the universe. When you don’t pay attention to the guy you like, which is hard, he comes to you.

When you pay attention, he’s nowhere to be seen. So, what you need to do, is kinda ignore the guy you like. I know, but I didn’t make this rule, the universe did.

How to Attract Men

Be ready to drop him if he loses it. If he’s not meeting your standards, you should be prepared to let him go.

I know you like being chased, but listen, if he’s everything a girl wants but never replies to your texts until days later, drop him.

He’s not really chasing you, he’s just waiting for an opportunity to slide in. You don’t want that.

How to Attract Men

Have Confidence in your Femininity, You’ve probably heard or read a lot of advice about having confidence in yourself as a way how to be attractive to the other gender.

We’re going to take things a step farther by specifically giving you one of the aspects of your life to be confident about.

In this case, concentrate on being more feminine. Embrace the fact that you’re a woman. Cherish it. And most importantly of all, enjoy being a woman.

How to Attract Men

You’re entitled to be feminine so go ahead and take advantage of that right.

Some girls do not know how or when to smile. It’s such a shame though since a smile is easily one of the best ways to get you to be irresistible to guys.

There are many different kinds of smiles you can use to attract guys.

There’s a polite smile that works great if you’re feeling a little shy.

There is also the come hither, the flirtatious smile if you’re feeling extra bold. There’s the “we-share-the-same-pain” smile which can also act as a great ice breaker.

How to Attract Men

Another great way on how to be irresistible to men is by making eye contact. Sometimes stronger than a spoken word, eye contact has the power to convey all sorts of messages.

In this way, it is quite similar to a smile. Making eye contact with a guy lets him know that you have noticed him and that you’re interested in him.

Holding your gaze and curving your lips into a smile is practically an open invitation for a proper introduction.

How to Attract Men

Such confidence is alluring to men, and they won’t be able to keep themselves from approaching you after that.

Becoming irresistible to men also has a lot to do with learning how to understand a man.

If you want to become irresistible to the man of your choice, try lowering your pride a bit and let him know when you need him.

This does not mean you have to be all needy and clingy. That’s taking things too far.

How to Attract Men

Simply put, you just have to act naturally and let a guy know when you’d appreciate his manly help. You shouldn’t deny the fact that you’re a woman and as such, there are things that men can do more easily than a woman might be able to.

Keep in mind that even though you might be able to learn all the tips and tricks in the world in order to master how to be irresistible to men, that does not automatically mean you’ll be the ideal woman for every guy.

How to Attract Men

There will always be instances where a man may still turn you down. Make sure you understand you’re not always being turned down because you may not be attractive in the eyes of the man in question.

It could simply be because the guy’s already committed to, or in love with someone else, or for any other reason outside your realm of influence.

Often, men are attracted to a woman because she might look like his mother or because they are similar to his ex-girlfriend.

How to Attract Men

However, understand that men find women with unique personalities absolutely irresistible. Therefore, if you want to put a special mark in his mind and heart, you have to show off your unique personality.

Think of your best characteristics that other women don’t have and use it to attract men.

Show him how kind and nice you are to other people. Men will ignore and even completely forget about women who nag, insult, and make fun of others.

Make Him Hunt You!
Make Him Hunt You!

How to Attract Men

Because men are drawn to women who they believe will never hurt them and who they believe that they know how to take care of them.

Men, therefore are strongly drawn to women who are genuinely nice to others. You do not have to be an angel to do this, but you need to learn how to respect others no matter what they’re color and race is.

How to Attract Men

However, be very careful with putting this to work. Men might think that you are looking for somebody who will either invite you to his place or somebody you can invite to your place.

Always know your own limits and never come across as trying.

How to Attract Men

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Boyfriend Still Talks To His Ex Should I Be Worried?

Why He Still Talks To His Ex-Girlfriend!

Follow up on social media. Yes, I am suggesting ethical snooping. Do not give him an ultimatum.

Under no circumstances, should you give him an ultimatum. Things like, “Never talk to her again” or “Are you sure you want to keep talking to her even when it makes me uncomfortable?”

My Boyfriend Still Talks To His Ex Should I Be Worried?
My Boyfriend Still Talks To His Ex Should I Be Worried?

Relationship Goals

will do more harm than good. For him, it might come across as demanding and you are telling him the people he can talk to and to whom he cannot.

You are his girlfriend, not the mother of a 14-year-old teenager.

Address the Situation Openly.

Don’t hide the fact that you’re bothered or insecure.

This doesn’t mean that you should blame your boyfriend for feelings of jealousy that you might have. 

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This simply means that you should acknowledge them.

Communicate your fears to your boyfriend. If he doesn’t seem to care or acts really defensive about it, then maybe you should press him for more details.

Figure Out Why He Is Talking to His Ex.

Some people can genuinely be “just friends” . Maybe they started dating, realized their feelings were mostly platonic and decided to remain friends.

Relationship Goals

This is the ideal situation if your boyfriend is still talking to his ex: they are basically close friends who have no romantic feelings whatsoever.

There’s little to be jealous about if their relationship was short-lived and not very fiery.

Even better, if your boyfriend’s ex turned out to be gay (or straight, if you’re gay) and that’s why their relationship ended, then there’s not as much of a chance that something inappropriate is happening between them.

On the other hand, there’s more reason to be suspicious if there’s no conceivable reason that they’re still talking. 

Relationship Goals

For example, let’s say that your boyfriend and his ex had a purely physical relationship and went through an explosive breakup.

Furthermore, they were never very good friends in the first place. Why would they still be talking?

How long have your boyfriend and his ex been apart?

How long have your boyfriend and his ex been apart?

Consider How Long Your Boyfriend and His Ex Have Been Apart.

Relationship Goals

Did they break up like a million years ago, before you even met each other? In that case, maybe the fire between them has cooled off enough that they can legitimately be friends without any drama.

On the other, hand, did they break up just last month? Did they break up because of you?

If it’s only been a few weeks and your boyfriend is already talking to his ex, this might be something that you’ll want to calmly address with him.

Relationship Goals

Take Some Time to Think (and Cool Down).

Even if you find information that you don’t like while probing your boyfriend about the situation, take some time to be by yourself and think about what’s going on.

Before you react, reflect on what your rational response should be.

Remember that if your reaction is based on insecurity, you may do irreparable damage to your relationship.

Relationship Goals

You might unwittingly send the message to your boyfriend that you don’t trust him. How will he react to that? Is he really doing anything wrong? Think carefully about what you’ve learned and the best way to proceed.

Obviously, if you’ve discovered that your boyfriend is sending naked pictures to his ex or something like that, there’s less to think about.

In unambiguous situations like those, you might just want to kick the guy to the curb.

Relationship Goals

Not only does he still talk about his ex, but everything he says about her sounds resentful — a huge sign that he’s not over the relationship! You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he talks about a past girlfriend.

If he says something like, “I don’t think she ever really loved me,” he’s still hurt by how the relationship ended and most definitely not over it. He’s talking about his ex because he’s still thinking about his ex — could he be any more obvious?

Not only have you not met his family, but they also may not even know you exist. If his mom calls when you two are together and he doesn’t mention you even though you’re literally sitting only inches away from him then his family knows nothing about you.

Relationship Goals

If he isn’t telling his parents about you, it’s because he knows deep down that you aren’t going to be around long. Ouch!

Is the relationship more physical than emotional? Go ahead and take that as a sign. You can tell that you’re a rebound just by paying attention to your sex life. If the sex feels detached and consumes a good majority of the relationship, it’s rebound sex.

Now, don’t mistake zero inhibitions sex for rebound sex — they can both be wild and intense, but only one of them helps someone forget about their ex (at least for a few minutes… maybe even seconds).

Relationship Goals

If a guy is really interested in you, he’ll make plans for the future. He may not be getting down on one knee proposing, but he’ll say small things that will make you know he’s not planning on breaking up with you next week.

If he isn’t talking about the future, it’s because he’s not that serious about you. He knows that you’re temporary and he’s treating you as such — wake up and smell the a-hole in the room!

He may not outright compare you to his ex, but you feel like he’s secretly judging. It’s like if you do something his ex wouldn’t do, he automatically thinks less of you.

Relationship Goals

He may even throw out suggestions for how you should live your life. Interestingly enough, those suggestions relate directly back to his ex. If you feel like he’s replacing you with his ex-girlfriend, it’s because he is.

If you’ve met his friends, which is a big IF, they may be surprised that you two are dating. If they say something like, “Wow, I can’t believe he’s already dating,” or, “It’s good that he found you, his ex really did a number on him” — pause. It’s a sure sign that he’s not actually ready for a relationship.

He may think he is, but he isn’t! If his friends are questioning the relationship, it’s because they know something you don’t.

Relationship Goals

Did his ex break up with him? Uh oh! Was he blindsided and left heartbroken? There’s no way he’s over that, and if he says he is, he’s either a liar or a sociopath.

No one is completely over their ex right after a breakup, and they shouldn’t be — it takes time to heal. If he says he’s over his ex and it’s only been a couple of weeks) he’s masking his pain and using you to help cover it up.

He mixes up the details of your relationship with his past relationship.

Relationship Goals

If they just broke up but they’re still hanging out, you need to chuck up your deuces and go! I don’t care if their breakup was mutual (which it never is) — they shouldn’t be spending time together! And more importantly, you shouldn’t be with someone who can’t stop seeing their ex.

Think about it. Why would they want to hang out together right after a breakup? Obviously, because they still have feelings for one another! Go ahead and bow out of that relationship — let those two love birds find their way back to each other.

Things Everyone Should Do After A Break-Up

What to Do After a Painful Breakup to Heal Faster!

No two breakups are the same. Sure, they may have similarities and tend to stir up negative emotions, but they’re usually upsetting for a wide range of different reasons. No matter what kind of relationship ended though, whether it was with someone you’ve been with for years or with someone you’ve only been seeing for a short period of time, there are things you should always do immediately following a breakup. Moving on After Breaking up

Regardless of who ended the relationship or how it came to an end, it’s common to feel a wide range of emotions after the breakup, which makes this a time where your needs should be your top priority in order to move past this. Taking time to heal after splitting up with your partner is vital for a healthy transition into being single and eventually a new relationship. So what are the things you need to do after ending a relationship?

Relationship goals

Things Everyone Should Do After A Break-Up
Things Everyone Should Do After A Break-Up

Meet Up With Your Loved Ones

Immediately following a breakup, it’s important to surround yourself with people who love you. Meet up with your friends and visit your family. Your loved ones care about your wellbeing and they’ll keep you distracted from thoughts about your ex. “Talk to them, laugh, and make dinner plans,” Hope says. “Basically spend as much time as you can with friends and as little time alone as possible.” Moving on After Breaking up

Talk It Out With A Professional

Talking to your friends is a great way to cope with a breakup, but sometimes the situation calls for a professional. Enlisting the help of a therapist will help ease you through this new transition and can give you great advice. “Don’t be shy or ashamed to have your own therapist on hand,” Hope says. Never feel bad about seeking help when you need it.

Distance Yourself From The Relationship

If possible, try to avoid any places you might bump into your ex. Take this as an opportunity to try out new restaurants instead of you and your ex’s go-to spot. “It is true that absence will help you heal,” Hope says.

Another way to distance yourself from your relationship is by not asking questions about your ex. Don’t ask your mutual friends what your ex is up to and stop following your ex on social media. “Dissolve all accounts, numbers, and names that lead to this person,” Hope says. “Do a complete energy makeover and stay clear of their negative energy.” Moving on After Breaking up

Relationship goals

Throw Out Any Reminders

Get rid of anything that reminds you of your ex. “Dump everything that reminds you of this person,” Hope says. Physically say goodbye to the relationship by ridding yourself of any leftover mementos from your ex.

Take Time Away From The Dating Scene

You should steer clear of jumping right back into dating immediately after a breakup. Taking time to adjust to being single will help you get to know who you are apart from your past relationship. “Enjoy being single so you can digest everything that has happened and learn from the experience,” Hope says. “Prepare for the future and future relationships by taking a pause from significant others, and relax with yourself.”

Follow Your Passions

Take this time alone to do something you love or have always been interested in. “Take that class you always wanted to try, or the hobby you always aspired to do, or read that book you never had time for,” Hope says. “Be passionate and grateful about daring to dream again.”

Take Care Of Yourself

Breakups are exhausting, so take some time to recoup from it. “Regroup and take care of your mind, body, and soul,” Hope says. “Stay in bed and watch TV shows with a big comfortable blanket around yourself.” Moving on After Breaking up

Taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional health is a vital step to take right after a breakup, so don’t feel bad about hitting that snooze button.

Relationship goals

Treat You Self

While you never need a reason to treat yourself, indulging in things you love is a great way to heal from a breakup. “Have some ice cream and cookies and enjoy the nutritional love,” Hope says. Enjoying simple pleasures can go a long way. Go ahead and do whatever makes you feel good.

If you’ve just gone through a breakup, taking care of yourself is key to transitioning into a healthy, happy life without your partner.

One of the trickiest parts of navigating post-breakup reality is figuring out whether you actually want to stay in touch. Sometimes totally eliminating the ex from your life will serve you better in the short (and maybe long) term.

There are a ton of factors that can go into that decision — how long you were together, whether the breakup was amicable or mutual, whether you share friends, pets, or a living space. Moving on After Breaking up

Stay with friends or family for a bit, go on a social media detox, and spend some time focusing on what you really want. It may make sticking to your decision easier since you’ll be extra clear on how you got there.

Temporarily cross those off your list of go-to places and try mixing up your routine with new and unfamiliar territory. Avoiding some of the obvious heartache-inducing spots may also help you sidestep unnecessary rumination and brooding.

Accept that it’s over, Meditate, talk to friends, journal — do whatever you can to mindfully accept where you currently are in your life and reflect on how to take steps forward, not backward.

Accept the sad, bad, and blank emotions, It can be tempting to distract yourself with a million activities but feeling your feelings rather than numbing out will help you deal with the situation and move on rather than dragging it out.

Allowing yourself time to feel sad can help you move through the emotions, but don’t let it get to the point where you’ve lost interest in all the things that used to make you happy.

Do your best to avoid total isolation and ask your nearest and dearest for some support, whether that means heart-to-heart conversations. Moving on After Breaking up

Consider a social detox by opting out of the apps for a while, and if you need to mute or unfollow your ex in order to really move on, then do what works for you, if they don’t respect your space or need for distance, then consider your breakup a good thing.

Don’t make drastic changes to your physical self or your personality
We talked about those terrible post-breakup bangs.

But besides unfortunate haircuts, a lot of people fall into a self-criticism spiral following the deterioration of a relationship and start looking for ways to “fix” what they assume caused things to go wrong.

Time to do some emotional house cleaning and eliminate the stuff that makes you sad, brings back a flood of memories, or in any way keeps you stuck in the past. Donate what you can or give particularly sentimental items to friends for safekeeping.

Things Everyone Should Do After A Break-Up
Things Everyone Should Do After A Break-Up

Relationship goals

Try something new that you never got to do — alone, Whether your relationship lasted six years or six weeks, you likely got very used to being attached at the hip to another human. It’s time to do the thing you always wanted but never go to do.

We’re talking bigger than hobbies. Go for the once-in-a-lifetime stuff like skydiving, a solo trip to another country, or backpacking in the woods! Moving on After Breaking up

Use your new free time to build new skills or habits, Sometimes the best way to get through a tough time is to take the focus off yourself entirely or explore a totally unfamiliar skill.

Volunteer with an organization you care about, take random classes, join a sports league, do anything that gets you out of that dreaded comfort zone and opens your eyes to new horizons.